Prime virgin water, tapping off the Sabie river, secluded with no access above, and the Horseshoe waterfall below.

A gravity fed flow-through system with raceways and ponds is used. Daily records of water temperature reveal a good flow rate even in drought periods.

Eggs are hand milked from live trout, separated by hand
Fish selected for the:

We also produce traviar, our only seasonal product, available from June to September

Our fertilised trout ova have been exported to countries around the world including Denmark, Peru, Romania, Macedonia, Germany, Vietnam, Poland, Bosnia, Austria and the United Kingdom.

Our late maturing trout have been selected during the stripping process over the years and as a result produce large dark-eyed ova, ranging from 8000 to 14000 eggs per litre, with an average standard size of 10 000 eggs per litre.